Tercer periodo: Semana del 09 al 13 de septiembre (Letter Rr)



1. Monday. Language Arts: Letter Rr review and poem. Módulo.

2.  Tuesday. Language Arts: Rocket craft.

3. Tuesday. Math: Flat and solid shapes. Módulo.

4. Tuesday. Science: Landforms. Módulo.

5. Wednesday. Language Arts: Letter Rr: Cvc words. Módulo.

6. Wednesday. Language Arts: Letter Rr: sight word: see. Módulo.

7. Thursday: Language Arts: presentation.

8. Thursday. English Time: Spelling bee. Ludic activity.

9. Thursday. Math: Flat and solid shapes. Módulo.

10. Friday. Language arts. Letter Rr. Módulo.


11. Die Farben: Lila.


  • Inglés: Memorize a song related to the letter Rr. Review the letter Rr. Distinguish some Cvc words starting with Rr: rat, red, rip, rod, rug. Recognize the sight word see. Learn some words starting with Rr. Differentiate flat and solid shapes. Follow instructions to make a craft. Memorize a poem. Practice the vocabulary of landmarks.


Language arts:
Topic: Letter Rr. Review.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Baby rabbit." Review the letters of the alphabet and focus your attention on the letter of the week: Rr. Observe it on the board, repeat its sound, distinguish the uppercase and the lowercase. After that, write the letter Rr on the sensory tray.
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Tema: Die Farben Lila.

  • Actividad de inicio: escucha y practica las canciones de saludo en alemán. Luego, entona la canción de la semana: "Wenn du frolich bist". Repasa el vocabulario de los colores vistos. Después, escoge, describe y nombra algunos objetos de color violeta (lila).
  • Actividad: decora el pulpo con papelitos de color violeta.
  • Actividad de cierre: despídete cantando: "Tchuss, macht's gut, auf wiedersehen."

Language arts:

Topic: Rocket craft.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Color red song." Review everything about the letter of the week: Rr. Remember its vocabulary, sound, letter case, and writing. 
  • Craft: Make your own rocket.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"


Topic: flat shapes.

Topic: Landforms.

  • Start: Observe the planet Earth. Then, observe some drawings on the board: volcano, mountain, island and try to discover their names. Then, watch the video and learn about landforms. 
  • Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song."

Language Arts:

Topic: Letter Rr: Cvc words.

  • Start: Listen and sing the following song: "Baby rabbit." Review the letters of the alphabet and focus your attention on the letter of the week: Rr. Observe some flashcards and name the pictures you see: rat, red, rip, rod, rug. Spell the words and pronounce each letter. Then, try to unscramble the pictures to discover the word.
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:

Topic: Sight word 'See'.

  • Start: review the vocabulary of Cvc words: in, did, like, I, am, my, the, to, at. Then, explode the balloons until you find the word "see" inside them.
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"


Language Arts:
Topic: Pets presentation. 

  • Start: Do a presentation in which you tell your friends about your pet. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: Solid shapes.

  • Start: Review the vocabulary of solid shapes: cone, cylinder, cuboid, cube, sphere and pyramid. Then, take a shape from the mystery bag and name it. 
  • Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

English Time:
Topic: Spelling bee.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "The alphabet song." Say the letters of the alphabet out loud. Then, spell some cvc words and obtain a prize.
  • Activity: Read and choose the correct word for each  picture.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Rr: find and sort.

  • Start: Listen and sing the following song: "Baby rabbit." Review the letters of the alphabet and focus your attention on the letter of the week: Rr. Then, find the letters Rr around the classroom and paste them on the board. 
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"


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