Segundo periodo: Semana del 27 al 31 de mayo (Letter Tt)
1. Monday. Language Arts: Sight word to. Módulo.
2. Tuesday. Language Arts: tomato . craft.
3. Tuesday. Math: Review the number 7. Puzzle. Notebook Activity.
4. Tuesday. Science: Land Animal body parts. Notebook Activity.
5. Wednesday. Language Arts: Letter Tt. The Módulo.
6. Wednesday. Language Arts: Sight words: The. Módulo
7. Thursday: Language Arts: Letter T words with stamps. Notebook Activity (Directly)
8. Thursday. Language Arts: Letter Tt. Notebook Activity
9. Thursday. Math: Number 8. counting tomatoes. Notebook Activity.
11. Friday. Letter Tt Writing. Módulo.
10. English time: Play with bilingual games.
1. Die Korperteile. Etiqueta las partes del cuerpo de tu compañero. Observa al bebé y nombra sus partes.
- Inglés: Memorize a song related to likes and dislikes. Review of the letter Tt. Identify the vocabulary of the letter Tt: tomato, tree. Recognize the sight word: The and to. Improve your listening skills by playing bingo. Distinguish the uppercase and lowercase letter Tt. Associate a number with its name. Oral counting from 1 - 10 backwards and forwards. Recognize the number 7 and 8. Fingerpaint the letters of the alphabet. Follow instructions to make a craft. Learn the body parts of some animals.
Language arts:
Topic: Sight word to.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." Then, review the sight words you have learnt: I, am, and like. Then, observe a new word on the board: To. Spell it and read some sentences with it. Then, try to make it by ordering the letters t and o (puzzle).
- Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Tema: Die Korperteile.
- Actividad de inicio: escucha y practica las canciones de saludo en alemán. Luego, entona la canción de la semana: "Hande waschen." Observa el bebé de juguete. Escucha y nombra las partes de la cara. Luego, repite las partes del cuerpo.
- Actividad: etiqueta las partes del cuerpo de tu compañero.
- Actividad de cierre: despídete cantando: "Tchuss, macht's gut, auf wiedersehen."
Language arts:
Topic: Tomato craft.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." Review the vocabulary and everything about the letter Tt. Then, observe the vocabulary of the letter Tt with real objects.
- Activity: create your own tomato.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: Number 7.
- Start: Let's count from 1 to 10 backwards and forwards. Use your fingers to count and sing along with your teacher a song about the numbers. After that, count some tomatoes and match the result with the correct number.
- Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: animals and their parts.
- Start: review the animals body parts: wings, legs, fins. Then, observe the rabbit and learn its parts. Then, help your teacher assemble a rabbit.
- Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song."
Language Arts:
Topic: Sight word: the.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." Then, review the sight words you have learnt: I, am, like, to. And now, learn a new word: the. Observe it on the board and spell it. Then, find it around the classroom.
- Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Tt: tomato.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." Review everything about the letter Tt: uppercase, lowercase, sound and vocabulary. Then, observe a real tomato and describe it. Then, spell the word tomato.
- Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Tt.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." Then, make the letter Tt with playdough.
- Notebook Activity (Directly): decorate the letter Tt.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: Counting dots from 1 to 8.
- Start: Let's sing a song related to numbers: "How many fingers." Then, count from 1 to 15. After that, count the dots from 1 to 8 and match them with the correct card.
- Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: fingerpaint a letter.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "The alphabet song." Then, review the letters of the alphabet through a video.
- Activity: fingerpaint a letter.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: Alphabet.
- Start: listen and sing the following song: "Red tomato song." After that, review everything about the letter Tt, Ss, Uu and the vocabulary related to them: Tree, Snake, Umbrella.
- Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
- End: "Bye, bye song"
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