Primer periodo: Semana del 18 al 22 de marzo de 2024 (My school)



  • Inglés: Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day and learn all the deatils related to it. Memorize a song related to the letter Ss. Review the letter Ss: sound, uppercase, lowercase, vocabulary related to it:  sob, sad, sit, sun, sib. Associate a number with its quantity. Oral counting from 1 - 10 backwards and forward. Identify the number 4 and 5. Decorate your own plant. Follow instructions to make a craft. Transcribe letters and short words. Learn how to write the letter Ss. Memorize a poem about scissors.


Language arts:

Topic: Saint Patrick's Day.

  • Start: Watch the video related to the history of this celebration. After that, listen and sing the following song: "Saint Patrick's Day." Observe the things that represent Saint Patrick's day: the color green (with balloons), the rainbow , gold coins, coins pot, shamrocks that means good luck (Flashcards). Find gold coins around the classroom and put them in a pot (Cooking implements).
  • Activity 1: Find green things around the classroom and put them in the box.
  • Dance: "Leprechauns dance." "Dance and freeze." "Relaxing time."
  • Craft: Make your own Saint Patrick's crown.

Tema: Der Kreis.

  • Actividad de inicio: escucha y practica las canciones de saludo. Luego, entona la canción de las figuras: "Welche Formen ist das?". Observa la figura geométrica y repite su nombre en alemán: Der Kreis. Cierra los ojos y recibe en tus manos una figura, luego, ábrelos y descubre qué figura es: nómbrala en voz alta. 
  • Actividad: pinta círculos usando rollitos o vasos.
  • Actividad de cierre: despídete cantando: "Tchuss, macht's gut, auf wiedersehen."

Language arts:

Topic: scissors poem.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Letter Ss song." After that, practice and memorize the poem about scissors. Practice it using ball scissors
  • Activity: cut playdough.


Topic: Number 4.

  • Start: Count from 1 - 10 backwards and forward by singing.  Then, help your teacher put the correct quantity of pom poms in the caterpillar. 
  • Notebook Activity: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Topic: the parts of a plant.

  • Start: review the parts of a plant and the things it needs in order to grow up healthy. Try to sing a song related to it. Observe real plants and tag it's parts. 
  • Craft: paint your plant.
  • End: "Bye, bye song."

Language Arts:

Topic: S is for sharpener.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Letter Ss song." Observe the school supply (sharpener) and name it out loud. Then, try to spell it. Identify the beginning letter of that word and learn the sound of the letter Ss when it is next to the letter Hh. 
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:

Topic: Letter Ss - Cvc words.

Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Ss.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Letter Ss song."  Then, observe the flashcards of a snake and learn that word. After that, dance like a snake and sing a song related to the letter Ss. 
  • Activity: decorate the letter Ss with playdough. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Topic: Counting and matching.

English Time:
Topic: recipe.

Ingredients and implements:

- Strawberries
- Sugar
- Popsicle sticks
- Water
- Popsicle mold

  • Start: let's make strawberry popsicles. First, name the ingredients of the list, tell your teacher a characteristic about them. 
  • Activity: After that, put the water, strawberries and sugar in the blender. Finally, pour the juice in popsicles mold and put them in the frigde until they get freeze.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: writing practice.


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