Primer periodo: semana del 19 al 23 de febrero de 2024 (The house)



  • Inglés: Learn the parts of a house: windows, floor, door, ceiling. Memorize a song related to the house. Introducing the Letter Hh: sound, uppercase, lowercase, vocabulary related to it: heart, hen, horse, hand, house. Memorize a poem about the house. Review the basic shapes: circle, rectangle, triangle, square. Identify the parts of a plants: leaves, stem, roots, petals. Follow instructions to make a craft. Describe the people that live with you. Learn how to write the letter Hh. 


Language arts:

Topic: Introducing the letter Hh. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Then, review the parts of a house: door, window, roof, floor. Then, discover the letter Hh on the board. Then, learn the words that starts with it and sing a song in order to memorize the vocabulary.
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Tema: Die Farben.

  • Actividad de inicio: escucha y practica las canciones de saludo. Luego, entona la canción de los colores: "Die Farben Lied." Repasa los colores de la bandera de Alemania. Relaciona y describe objetos que son de color rojo. 
  • Actividad: pega pedacitos de papel rojo y decora objetos que son de ese color. 
  • Actividad de cierre: despídete cantando: "Tchuss, macht's gut, auf wiedersehen."

Language arts:

Topic: House poem.


Topic: shapes.

Topic: parts of a plant.

  • Start: observe different types of plants and describe them by color. Help your teacher to assemble a plant while naming its parts: roots, stem, leaves, petals. Try to sing a song related to it.
  • Módulo: Dar clic para descargar.
  • End: "Bye, bye song."

Language Arts:

Topic: letter Hh. Uppercase and lowercase.

Language Arts:

Topic: House craft.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Practice the poem of the week. Then, review the parts of house: windows, door, roof, chimney. 
  • Craft: Let's build a house. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language Arts:
Topic: House drawing:
  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Practice the poem of the week. Then, review the parts of house: windows, door, roof, chimney. And tell your friends who lives with you.
  • Activity: Draw the people that lives with you. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Hh. Decoration.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Practice the poem of the week. Then, review the vocabulary related to the letter Hh: heart, hen, horse, hand, house with a song. 
  • Notebook Activity: decorate the letter Hh with hearts.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

English Time:

  • Start: watch the movie: "The Lorax" and observe the trees that appears there: describe them by color. Then, listen and repeat their names out loud.
  • Craft: make a truffula tree using sticks and kite paper.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Hh. Pictionary.
  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Practice the poem of the week. Then, review the vocabulary related to the letter Hh: heart, hen, horse, hand, house with a song. Finally, in pairs, listen and touch with a glass the correct picture.
  • Notebook Activity: practice the vocabulary and color the pictures.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Language Arts:
Topic: Letter Hh. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Wind the bobbin' up." Practice the poem of the week. Then, review the vocabulary related to the letter Hh: heart, hen, horse, hand, house with a song. Write the letter Hh on the sensory tray.
  • Video: observe the interactive videos related to the letter Hh.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"


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