Primer periodo: semana del 5 al 7 de febrero de 2024 (Body parts)


  • Inglés: Review the body parts. Memorize a poem about body parts. Play bingo and improve your listening skills. Tag a baby body parts. Read and match words related to body parts. Follow instructions to make a craft: Mrs and Mr. Potato head. Numbers from 1 - 5: visual identification and individualization. Recognize the five senses: smell, touch, hearing, sight, taste. Watch a movie called "The Lorax" and understand it. 

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Review body parts . 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Open, close." Then, practice the vocabulary with the mystery box. Take a flashcard out and name what you see there. Give the correct answer and get a sticker.  
  • Módulo: 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Poem about body parts. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Open, close." Then, review the vocabulary related to body parts by using flashcards. Then, repeat the poem in different ways: angrily, sadly, fearfully, loudly, quietly, happily. 
  • Notebook activity: 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Tag body parts. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Touch your head, touch your nose." Then, review the vocabulary related to body parts by using a baby. Take a tag out of the plastic bag, read it and paste it in the correct body part.
  • Notebook activity: 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Mr and Mrs. Potato head craft.

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Open, close." Then, review the vocabulary related to body parts with Mr. and Mrs. Potato head. Name their body parts aloud.
  • Craft: create your own Mr and Mrs. Potato head.
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Tag body parts. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Open, close." Then, review the vocabulary related to body parts through flashcards. Paste them in the correct place. 
  • Módulo: 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"

Language arts (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: let's play bingo. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Open, close." Then, review the vocabulary related to body parts by playing bingo. Listen and paste the cards in the correct part. 
  • Notebook activity: 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Math (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Number 1. 

  • Start: listen and sing the following song: "Seven numbers." Find the number 1 around the classroom and paste it on the big number 1 that is on the board. 
  • Directly notebook activity: decorate the number one, trace and write its name. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
Science (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Five senses. 

  • Start: Observe the following body parts: nose, hands, ears, mouth, eye and experience their functions: smell a flower with your nose; taste an apple, touch a feather, and see a toy. Count the senses with your fingers and say their names.  
  • Directly notebook activity: decorate the number one, trace and write its name. 
  • End: "Bye, bye song"
English time (9:10 - 9:50):

Topic: Movie: "The Lorax".

  • Start: Review: What's my name? Then, describe the main character of the movie and close attention to it. Enjoy a great time while eating popcorn.


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