Primer periodo: Semana del 1 al 5 de abril del 2024 (The alphabet)

UNIDAD TEMÁTICA: Inglés: Celebrate Easter Day and learn all the details related to it. Memorize a song related to the alphabet. Identify the letters of the alphabet. Distinguish consonants and vowels. Classify uppercase and lowercase letters. Learn words with each letter of the alphabet. Recognize the initial letter of your name. Associate a number with its name. Oral counting from 1 - 10 backwards and forwards. Understand the story of 'The three little pigs'. Follow instructions to make a craft. Transcribe numbers names from 1 to 5. LUNES 01 DE ABRIL: Language arts: Topic: Easter day. Start: Watch the video related to the history of this celebration which is focused on Jesus's sacrifice and resurrection. After that, observe the things that represent this day: bunnies that symbolize spring and fertility; Easter eggs that represent the Jesus Christ rebirth. Finally, listen and sing the following song: "Easter Day Song." Activity 1 (Eggs hu...